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Michael Ortoll

The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children and How to Help Them Cope


Divorce is never easy, particularly for children. They can face profound and long-lasting psychological effects. However, with the right strategies, parents can help their children cope and reduce the negative impacts. Here’s how you can support your child during this challenging time.

Understanding the Effects:

Children often experience emotional turmoil, behavioral changes, and a sense of loss during a divorce. Here’s a deeper look into these impacts:

  1. Emotional Turmoil: Children may feel sadness, anger, anxiety, and confusion. This emotional instability can make them feel insecure.

  2. Behavioral Changes: Watch for changes in behavior, such as withdrawal, aggression, or regression to earlier developmental stages.

  3. Sense of Loss: Children might feel a profound loss of family structure and parental presence.

How to Help Them Cope:

  1. Open Communication: Encourage your child to express their feelings and validate their emotions. Listen without judgment and offer reassurance.

  2. Consistent Routines: Maintain a stable routine to provide a sense of normalcy. Regular schedules for meals, homework, and bedtime are crucial.

  3. Emotional Support: Continuously reassure your child that both parents love them unconditionally and that the divorce is not their fault.


While divorce is challenging, these strategies can help you support your child effectively. By providing emotional stability and open communication, you can help them navigate this transition with resilience.

Call to Action:

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