Our Story
Founded by Michael Ortoll in 2021, his daughter, Christine, battled substance use disorder and mental health issues for ten years. During this time, Michael and his family left no stone unturned as they fought alongside Christine,
turning to over 20 recovery centers
and countless experts for help along the way.
She achieved sobriety for nearly three years, until her final relapse and resulting death via synthetic opioid overdose. It was Christine’s wish in her own words:
“I do not want to be defined by my disease but remembered for helping those with it”.

Our Mission
We are committed to creating media about mental health and substance use disorders that are educational and inspiring so our audience can feel empowered to take control of their lives, find the support they need, and move forward with hope.

Our Vision
To transform the lives of those affected by mental illness and substance abuse so they can seek recovery and thrive.